Learn Italian
- The Alphabet
- Pronouncing double consonants
- Numbers 1 - 20
- Numbers 20 - 100
- Greetings
- Thank you
- 4 ways to say
You are welcome - Days of the week
- Months
- Seasons
- Colors
- Weather
- Countries, nationalities and
languages - Hobbies and spare time
- Happy birthday
- A typical Italian breakfast
- What's in my bag?
- Useful words for pool or beach
- Football Vocabulary
- Essere and avere
to be, to have - Andare, Mangiare, Amare
to go, to eat, to love - Bere, Ridere, Vedere
to drink, to laugh, to see - C'è and ci sono
- Mica and mi raccomando
- Uses and meanings of
allora - Uses and meanings of
magari - How to use the verb piacere
to like - Italian Language FAQ's
Part 1 - Italian Language FAQ's
Part 2