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Travel Dictionary English - Italian
Common Signs
OPEN | APERTO (''ah-PEHR-toh'') |
CLOSED | CHIUSO (''KYOO-soh'') |
ENTRANCE | ENTRATA (''ehn-TRAH-tah'') |
EXIT | USCITA (''oo-SHEE-tah'') |
PUSH | SPINGERE (''SPEEN-jeh-reh'') |
PULL | TIRARE (''tee-RAH-reh'') |
MEN | UOMINI (''WOH-mee-nee'') |
WOMEN | DONNE (''dohn-NEH'') |
FORBIDDEN | PROIBITO (''proy-BEE-toh'') |
NO SMOKING | NON FUMATORI (''nohn foo-mah-TOH-ree'') |
Hello! (formal) | Salve! (''sAH-lveh'') |
Hello! (informal) | Ciao! (''chow'') |
How are you? (informal) | Come stai? (''koh-meh STAI?'') |
How are you? (formal) | Come sta? (''koh-meh STAH?'') |
Fine, thank you. | Bene, grazie. (''BEH-neh, GRAHT-tsyeh'') |
What is your name? (informal) | Come ti chiami? (''KOH-meh tee kee-AH-mee?'') |
What is your name? (formal) | Come si chiama? (''KOH-meh see kee-AH-mah?'') |
My name is ______ . | Mi chiamo ______ . (''mee kee-AH-moh _____'') |
Nice to meet you. | Piacere di conoscerla. (''pyah-CHEH-reh dee koh-noh-SHEHR-lah'') |
Please | Per favore (''PEHR fah-VOH-reh'') |
Thank you! | Grazie! (''GRAHT-tsyeh'') |
Thank you very much! | Grazie Mille! (''GRAHT-tsyeh MEE-lay'') |
You're welcome! | Prego! (''PREH-goh'') |
No problem! | Non c'è problema! (''non cheh proh-BLEH-mah'') |
Yes | Sì (''SEE'') |
No | No (''noh'') |
Excuse me (formal) | Mi scusi. (''mee SKOO-zee'') |
Excuse me (informal) | Scusa (''SKOO-sah'') |
What's that? | Che cos'è? (''KAY kohz-ay'') |
I'm sorry. | Mi dispiace. (''mee dee-SPYA-chee'') |
Goodbye! (informal) | Ciao! ("chow") |
Goodbye! (formal) | Arrivederci! (''ahr-ree-veh-DEHR-chee'') |
See you! | Ci vediamo! (''chee veh-DYAH-moh'') |
Sure! | Certamente! (''cher-TAH-men-teh'') / Certo (''CHEHR-toh'') |
Really? | Davvero? (''dahv-VEH-roh?'') |
I don't speak Italian. | Non parlo italiano. (''non PAHR-loh ee-TAH-lyah-noh'') |
Do you speak English? (formal) | Parla inglese? (''PAHR-lah een-GLEH-zeh?'') |
Do you speak English? (informal) | Parli inglese? (''PAHR-lee een-GLEH-zeh?'') |
Speak more slowly, please.
| Parli più lentamente/piano, per favore. (''PAHR-lee pyoo lehn-TAH-mehn-teh/PYAH-noh, pehr fah-VOH-reh'') |
I understand Italian a little.
| Capisco l'italiano solo un po'. (''EE-oh kah-PEES-koh lee-TAH-lyah-noh SOH-loh oon poh'') |
I speak just a few words of Italian.
| Conosco solo alcune parole in italiano. (''koh-NOHS-koh SOH-loh ahl-KOO-neh pah-ROH-leh een ee-TAH-lyah-noh'') |
Is there someone here who speaks English? | Qualcuno parla inglese? (''kwahl-KOO-noh PAHR-lah een-GLEH-zeh?'') |
What does it mean?
| Che cosa significa? (''keh KOH-zah see-NYEE-fee-kah?'') / Che cosa vuol dire? (''keh KOH-zah vwohl DEE-reh?'') |
I forgot. | Mi sono dimenticato. (''Mee SOH-noh dee-MEHN-tee-kah-toh'') |
Now I remember. | Ora ricordo. (''OH-rah ree-KOHR-doh'') |
I don't know. | Non lo so. (''nohn loh soh'') |
After | Dopo (''DOH-poh'') |
Before | Prima (''PREE-mah'') |
Wait! | Aspetta! (''ahs-PEHT-tah'') |
I have a question. | Ho una domanda. (''oh OO-nah doh-MAHN-dah'') |
Can you tell me... | Lei può dirmi... (''lay pwoh DEER-mee'') |
How to get to... | Come arrivare a... (''KOH-meh ahr-REE-vah-reh ah'') |
Where/When do we meet?
| Dove/Quando ci incontriamo? (''DOH-veh/ KWAHN-doh chee een-KOHN-tryah-moh?'') |
How is the weather? | Che tempo fa? (''keh TEHM-poh fah'') |
Pardon? | Come? (''KOH-meh?'') |
Help! | Aiuto! (''ah-YOO-toh!'') |
Good morning. | Buon giorno. (''bwohn JOHR-noh'') |
Good afternoon. | Buon pomeriggio. (''bwohn poh-meh-REE-joh'') |
Good evening. | Buona sera. (''bwoh-nah-SEH-rah'') |
Good night. | Buona notte. (''bwoh-nah-NOHT-teh'') |
I don't understand. | Non capisco. (''nohn kah-PEES-koh'') |
Where are the restrooms? (public place) | Dove sono i gabinetti? (''doh-VEH SOH-noh ee gah-bee-NEHT-tee'') |
Where is the bathroom? (someone's home) | Dov'è il bagno? (''doh-VEH eel BAHN-yoh'') |
Leave me alone.
| Mi lasci in pace (''mee LAH-shee IN PAH-cheh'') / Mi lasci stare (''mee LAH-shee STAH-reh'') |
Don't touch me! | Non mi toccare! (''NOHN mee TOH-kare!'') |
I'll call the police. | Chiamo la polizia. (''KYAH-moh lah poh-LEE-tsyah!'') |
Police! | Polizia! (''poh-LEE-tsyah!'') |
Stop! Thief! | Al ladro! (''ahl LAH-droh!'') |
I need your help. | Ho bisogno del tuo aiuto. (''oh bee-ZOH-nyoh dehl too-oh ah-YOO-toh'') |
It's an emergency. | È un'emergenza. (''eh oo-neh-mehr-JEN-tsah'') |
I'm lost. | Mi sono perso/a. (''mee soh-noh PEHR-soh/sah'') |
I lost my bag. | Ho perso la mia borsa. (''oh PEHR-soh lah MEE-ah BOHR-sah'') |
I lost my wallet. | Ho perso il mio portafoglio. (''oh PEHR-soh eel myoh pohr-tah-FOH-lyoh'') |
I'm sick. | Sono malato/a. (''SOH-noh mah-LAH-toh/tah'') |
I've been injured. | Mi sono ferito/a. (''mee SOH-noh feh-REE-toh/tah'') |
I need a doctor. | Ho bisogno di un medico. (''oh bee-ZOH-nyoh dee oon meh-DEE-coh'') |
Can I use your phone?
| Posso usare il suo telefono? (''POS-soh oo-ZAH-reh eel swoh teh-LEH-foh-noh?'') |
1 | uno (''OO-noh'') |
2 | due (''DOO-eh'') |
3 | tre (''treh'') |
4 | quattro (''KWAH-troh'') |
5 | cinque (''CHEEN-kweh'') |
6 | sei (''SEH-ee'') |
7 | sette (''SEH-teh'') |
8 | otto (''OH-toh'') |
9 | nove (''NOH-veh'') |
10 | dieci (''DYEH-chee'') |
11 | undici (''OON-dee-chee'') |
12 | dodici (''DOH-dee-chee'') |
13 | tredici (''TREH-dee-chee'') |
14 | quattordici (''kwahr-TOHR-dee-chee'') |
15 | quindici (''KWEEN-dee-chee'') |
16 | sedici (''SEH-dee-chee'') |
17 | diciassette (''dee-chee-ah-SSEH-teh'') |
18 | diciotto (''dee-CHOH-toh'') |
19 | diciannove (''dee-chah-NOH-veh'') |
20 | venti (''VEHN-tee'') |
21 | ventuno (''vehn-TOO-noh'') |
22 | ventidue (''vehn-tee-DOO-eh'') |
23 | ventitré (''vehn-tee-TREH'') |
30 | trenta (''TREHN-tah'') |
40 | quaranta (''kwah-RAHN-tah'') |
50 | cinquanta (''cheen-KWAHN-tah'') |
60 | sessanta (''sehs-SAHN-tah'') |
70 | settanta (''seht-TAHN-tah'') |
80 | ottanta (''oht-TAHN-tah'') |
90 | novanta (''noh-VAHN-tah'') |
100 | cento (''CHEHN-toh'') |
200 | duecento (''dweh-CHEHN-toh'') |
300 | trecento (''treh-CHEHN-toh'') |
1,000 | mille (''MEEL-leh'') |
2,000 | duemila (''dweh-MEE-lah'') |
1,000,000 | un milione (''oon mee-LYOH-neh'') |
1,000,000,000 | un miliardo (''oo mee-LYAHR-doh'') |
| mille miliardi (''MEEL-leh mee-LYAHR-dee'') / un bilione (''oo bee-LYOH-neh'') |
number _____ (train, bus, etc.) | numero_____ (''NOO-meh-roh'') |
half | mezzo (''MEHD-dzoh'') |
less | meno (''MEH-noh'') |
more | più (''pyoo'') |
now | adesso (''ah-DEHSS-oh'') |
later | più tardi (''PYOO-TAR-dee'') / dopo ("DOH-poh") |
before | prima (''PREE-ma'') |
morning | mattino (''mah-TEEN-oh'') |
afternoon | pomeriggio (''poh-meh-REED-joh'') |
evening | sera (''SEH-rah'') |
night | notte (''NOHT-teh'') |
Clock Time |
one o'clock AM | l'una (''LOO-nah'') |
two o'clock AM | le due (''leh DOO-eh'') |
noon | mezzogiorno (''mehd-dzoh-JOHR-noh'') |
one o'clock PM | le tredici (''leh TREH-dee-chee'') |
two o'clock PM | le quattordici (''leh kwaht-TOHR-dee-chee'') |
midnight | mezzanotte (''mehd-dzah-NOHT-teh'') |
Duration |
_____ minute(s) | _____ minuto/ti (''mee-NOO-toh/tee'') |
_____ hour(s) | _____ ora/e (''OH-rah/eh'') |
_____ day(s) | _____ giorno/ni (''JOHR-noh/nee'') |
_____ week(s) | _____ settimana/ne (''seht-tee-MAH-nah/neh'') |
_____ month(s) | _____ mese/si (''MEH-zeh/zee'') |
_____ year(s) | _____ anno/ni (''AHN-noh/nee'') |
Days |
today | oggi (''OHD-jee'') |
yesterday | ieri (''YEH-ree'') |
tomorrow | domani (''doh-MAH-nee'') |
day after tomorrow | dopo domani ('' doh-poh doh-MAH-nee'') |
this week | questa settimana (''KWEHS-tah seht-tee-MAH-nah'') |
last week | la settimana scorsa (''lah set-tee-MAH-nah SKOR-sah'') |
next week | la prossima settimana (''lah PROHS-see-mah set-tee-MAH-nah'') |
Sunday | domenica (''doh-MEH-nee-kah'') |
Monday | lunedì (''loo-neh-DEE'') |
Tuesday | martedì (''mahr-teh-DEE'') |
Wednesday | mercoledì (''mehr-koh-leh-DEE'') |
Thursday | giovedì (''joh-veh-DEE'') |
Friday | venerdì (''veh-nehr-DEE'') |
Saturday | sabato (''SAH-bah-toh'') |
Months |
January | gennaio (''jehn-NAH-yoh'') |
February | febbraio (''fehb-BRAH-yoh'') |
March | marzo (''MAR-tso'') |
April | aprile (''ah-PREE-leh'') |
May | maggio (''MAHD-joh'') |
June | giugno (''JOO-nyoh'') |
July | luglio (''LOO-lyoh'') |
August | agosto (''ah-GOHS-toh'') |
September | settembre (''seht-TEM-breh'') |
October | ottobre (''oht-TOH-breh'') |
November | novembre (''noh-VEHM-breh'') |
December | dicembre (''dee-CHEM-breh'') |
black | nero (''NEH-roh'') |
white | bianco (''BYAHN-koh'') |
gray | grigio (''GREE-joh'') |
red | rosso (''ROHS-soh'') |
blue | blu (''bloo'') |
yellow | giallo (''JAHL-loh'') |
green | verde (''VEHR-deh'') |
orange | arancione (''ah-rahn-CHOH-neh'') |
purple | viola (''VYOH-lah'') |
brown | marrone (''mahr-ROH-neh'') |
Bus and Train |
How much is a ticket to _____?
| Quanto costa un biglietto per _____? (''KWAHN-toh KOHS-tah oon bee-LYEHT-toh pehr'') |
One ticket to _____, please.
| Un biglietto per _____, per favore. (''oon bee-LYEHT-toh pehr....pehr fah-VOH-reh'') |
Where does this train/bus go?
| Dove va questo treno / quest'autobus? (''DOH-veh vah KWEHS-toh TREH-noh / KWEHS-tow-TOH-boos'') |
Where is the train/bus to _____?
| Dov'è il treno/l'autobus per _____? (''doh-VEH eel TREH-noh/ low-TOH-boos'') |
Does this train/bus stop in _____?
| Questo treno/quest'autobus si ferma a _____? (''KWEHS-toh TREH-noh/ KWEHS-tow-TOH-boos see FEHR-mah ah'') |
When does the train/bus for _____ leave?
| Quando parte il treno/l'autobus per _____? (''KWAHN-doh PAHR-teh eel TREH-noh / low-TOH-boos'') |
When will this train/bus arrive in _____?
| Quando arriva a _____ questo treno/quest'autobus? (''KWAHN-doh ahr-REE-vah ah....KWEHS-toh TREH-noh / KWEHS-tow-TOH-boos'') |
Directions |
How do I get to _____ ? | Come si arriva a _____ ? (''Koh-meh see ahr-REE-vah ah...?'') |
...to the railway station?
| ...alla stazione ferroviaria? (''...ahl-LAH stah-DSYOH-neh fehr-roh-VYAH-ryah?'') |
...to the bus station?
| ...alla stazione dell'autobus? (''...ahl-LAH stah-DSYOH-neh dehl-LOW-toh-boos?'') |
...to the airport? | ...all'aeroporto? (''...ahl-lah-eh-roh-POHR-toh?'') |
...downtown? | ...in centro? (''...een CHEHN-troh'') |
...the youth hostel? | ...all'ostello? (''...ahl-LOHS-tehl-loh?'') |
...the small hotel? / hotel? | ...all'albergo? hotel? (''...ahl-LAHL-behr-goh/ oh-TEHL?'') |
...the American/Canadian/Australian/British consulate?
| ...al consolato Americano/Canadese/Australiano/Inglese? (''...ahl kohn-SOH-lah-toh ameh-REE-kah-noh/ kah-nah-DEH-zeh/ ows-trah-LYAH-noh/ ehn-GLEH-zeh?'') |
Where are there a lot of... | Dove ci sono molti... (''DOH-veh chee SOH-noh MOHL-tee...'') |
...hotels? | ...hotel? (''...oh-TEH-l?'') |
...restaurants? | ...ristoranti? (''...rees-toh-RAHN-tee?'') |
...bars? | ...bar? (''bahr?'') |
...sites to see?
| ...cose da vedere? (''KOH-zeh dah veh-DEH-reh?'') / …luoghi da vedere? (''...LOW-gee dah veh-DEH-reh?'') |
Can you show (it to) me on the map?
| Potete mostrarmelo sulla carta? (''poh-TEH-teh mohs-trahr-MEH-loh sool-LAH KAHR-tah?'') |
street | strada (''STRAH-dah'') |
Turn left. | Giri a sinistra. (''JEE-ree ah see-NEES-trah'') |
Turn right. | Giri a destra. (''JEE-ree ah DEHS-trah'') |
left | sinistra (''see-NEES-trah'') |
right | destra (''DEHS-trah'') |
straight ahead | diritto (''dee-REET-toh'') |
towards the _____ | verso il _____ (''VEHR-zoh eel...'') |
past the _____ | dopo il _____ (''DOH-poh eel...'') |
before the _____ | prima del _____ (''PREE-mah dehl...'') |
Watch for the _____.
| Guarda il _____. (''GWAHR-dah eel...'') / Cerca il _____. (''CHEHR-kah eel...'') |
intersection | incrocio (''een-KROH-chyoh'') |
north | nord (''nohrd'') abbreviation N |
south | sud (''sood'') abbreviation S |
east | est (''ehst'') abbreviation E |
west | ovest (''oh-VEHST'') abbreviation O |
Taxi |
Taxi! | Taxi! (''TAHK-see'') |
Take me to _____, please.
| Portatemi a _____, per favore. (''pohr-TAH-teh-mee ah..., pehr fah-VOH-reh'') |
How much does it cost to get to _____?
| Quanto costa andare a _____? (''KWAHN-toh KOHS-tah ahn-DAH-reh ah...?'') |
Please take me to_____.
| Per favore, mi porti a______. (''pehr fah-VOH-reh, mee POHR-tee ah...'') |
I'm in a hurry! | Vado di fretta! / Ho fretta! (''VAH-doh dee FREHT-tah/ oh FREHT-tah'') |
Stop here, please! | Fermi qui, per favore! (''FEHR-mee kwee pehr fah-VOH-reh'') |
How much do I owe you? | Quanto Le devo? (''KWAHN-toh leh DEH-voh'') |
Do you have any rooms available? | Avete camere libere? (''ah-VEH-teh kah-MEH-reh lee-BEH-reh?'') |
How much is a room for one person/two people?
| Quanto costa una stanza singola/doppia? (''KWAHN-toh KOHS-tah OO-nah STAHN-tsah seen-GOH-lah/ DOHP-pyah'') |
Does the room come with... | La stanza ha ... (''lah STAHN-tsah ah...'') |
...bedsheets? | ...lenzuola? (''...lehn-ZWOH-lah?'') |
...a bathroom? | ...un bagno? (''...oon BAH-nyoh?'') |
...a telephone? | ...un telefono? (''...oon teh-LEH-foh-noh'') |
...a TV? | ...un televisore? (''...oon teh-leh-VEE-soh-reh?'') |
May I see the room first?
| Posso prima vedere la stanza? (''POHS-soh PREE-mah veh-DEH-reh lah STAHN-tsah?'') |
Do you have anything quieter?
| Ha una stanza più silenziosa? (''ah OO-nah STAHN-tsah pyoo see-lehn-TSYOH-zah?'') |
...bigger? | ...più grande? (''pyoo GRAHN-deh?'') |
...cleaner? | ...più pulita? (''pyoo poo-LEE-tah?'') |
...cheaper? | ...più economica? (''pyoo eh-koh-NOH-mee-kah?'') |
OK, I'll take it. | Va bene, la prendo. (''vah BEH-neh, lah PREHN-doh'') |
I will stay for _____ night(s). | Mi fermo per _____ notte(i). (''mee FEHR-moh pehr...NOHT-teh(ee)'') |
Can you suggest another hotel?
| Potete suggerirmi un altro hotel? (''poh-TEH-teh soo-JEH-reer-mee oon AHL-troh OH-tehl?'') |
Do you have a safe?
| Avete una cassaforte (centrale)? (''ah-VEH-teh OO-nah kahs-SAH-fohr-teh (chehn-TRAH-leh)?'') |
Is breakfast/supper included?
| È inclusa la prima colazione / la cena? (''EH een-KLOO-zah la PREE-mah koh-lah-TSYOH-neh/ lah CHEH-nah?'') |
What time is breakfast/supper?
| A che ora è la prima colazione / la cena? (''ah keh OH-rah EH lah PREE-mah koh-lah-TSYOH-neh / lah CHEH-nah'') |
Please clean my room.
| Pulite la mia camera, per favore. (''poo-LEE-teh lah myah kah-MEH-rah, pehr fah-VOH-reh'') |
Can you wake me at _____?
| Potete svegliarmi alle _____? (''poh-TEH-teh sveh-LYAHR-mee AHL-leh....?'') |
I want to check out.
| Voglio andare via. (''voh-LYOH ahn-DAH-reh vyah'') / Voglio partire. (''voh-LYOH pahr-TEE-reh'') |
Do you accept American/Australian/Canadian dollars?
| Accettate dollari Americani/Australiani/Canadesi? (''aht-cheht-TAH-teh DOHL-lah-ree ah-meh-ree-KAH-nee/ ows-trah-LYAH-nee/ kah-nah-DEH-see?'') |
Do you accept British pounds?
| Accettate sterline Inglesi? (''aht-cheht-TAH-teh stehr-LEE-neh een-GLEH-zee?'') |
Do you accept credit cards?
| Accettate carte di credito? (''aht-cheht-TAH-teh KAHR-teh dee kreh-DEE-toh?'') |
Can you change money for me?
| Potete cambiare del denaro per me? (''poh-TEH-teh kahm-BYAH-reh dehl deh-NAH-roh pehr meh?'') |
Can you change British pounds for me?
| Potete cambiare delle sterline Inglesi per me? (''poh-TEH-teh kahm-BYAH-reh DEHL-leh stehr-LEE-neh een-GLEH-zee pehr meh?'') |
Can you change American/Australian/Canadian dollars for me?
| Potete cambiare dei dollari Americani/Australiani/Canadesi per me? (''poh-TEH-teh kahm-BYAH-reh day DOHL-lah-ree ah-meh-ree-KAH-nee/ows-trah-LYAH-nee/kah-nah-DEH-see pehr meh?'') |
Where can I get money changed?
| Dove posso cambiare del denaro? (''DOH-veh POHS-soh kahm-BYAH-reh dehl deh-NAH-roh?'') |
Where can I get foreign money changed?
| Dove posso cambiare della valuta straniera? (''DOH-veh POHS-soh kahm-BYAH-reh DEHL-lah vah-LOO-tah strah-NYEH-rah?'') |
Can you change a traveler's check for me?
| Potete cambiare questi traveller's cheque per me? (''poh-TEH-teh kahm-BYAH-reh KWEHS-tee TRAH-veh-lehrs checks pehr meh?'') |
Where can I get a traveler's check changed?
| Dove posso cambiare un traveller's cheque? (''Doh-veh POHS-soh kahm-BYAH-reh oon TRAH-veh-lehrs check?'') |
What is the exchange rate? | Quant'è il cambio? (''KWAHN-teh eel KAHM-byoh?'') |
Where is an automatic teller machine (ATM)?
| Dove posso trovare un Bancomat? (''DOH-veh POHS-soh troh-VAH-reh oon bahn-KOH-maht?'') |
A table for one person/two people, please.
| Un tavolo per uno/due, per favore. (''oon tah-VOH-loh pehr OO-noh/ dweh, pehr fah-VOH-reh'') |
Can I look at the menu, please?
| Posso vedere il menu, per favore? (''POHS-soh veh-DEH-reh eel meh-NOO, pehr fah-VOH-reh?'') |
Is there a house specialty?
| C'è una specialità della casa? (''cheh OO-nah speh-chah-lee-TAH DEHL-lah KAH-zah?'') |
Is there a local specialty?
| C'è una specialità locale? (''cheh OO-nah speh-chah-lee-TAH loh-KAH-leh?'') |
I'm a vegetarian. | Sono vegetariano/a (''SOH-noh veh-jeh-tah-RYAH-noh/ ah'') |
I don't eat pork. | Non mangio il maiale. (''nohn MAHN-joh eel mah-YAH-leh'') |
I don't eat beef. | Non mangio il manzo. (''nohn MAHN-joh eel MAHN-dzoh'') |
I only eat kosher food.
| Mangio solamente cibo kosher. (''MAHN-joh soh-LAH-mehn-teh CHEE-boh KOH-shehr'') |
Can you make it "lite", please? (less oil/butter/lard)
| Potete farlo leggero, per favore? (''poh-TEH-teh FAHR-loh lehd-JEH-roh, pehr fah-VOH-reh?'') / Potete farlo con pochi grassi? (with little fat) (''poh-TEH-teh FAHR-loh kohn poh-KHEE GRAHS-see?'') / Potete farlo con poco olio? (with little oil) (''poh-TEH-teh FAHR-loh kohn POH-koh OH-lyoh?'') |
fixed-price meal | pranzo a prezzo fisso (''PRAH-tsoh ah PREHD-zoh FEES-soh'') |
à la carte | à la carte (''AH lah KAHR-tah'') |
breakfast | la prima colazione (''lah PREE-mah koh-lah-TSYOH-neh'') |
lunch | il pranzo (''eel PRAHN-dzoh'') |
tea (meal) | tè (''teh'') / merenda (''meh-REHN-dah'') / supper la cena (''lah CHEH-nah'') |
I would like _____. | Vorrei _____. (''vohr-RAY'') |
I would like a dish containing _____. | Vorrei un piatto con _____. (''vohr-RAY oon PYAHT-toh kohn....'') |
chicken | il pollo (''eel POHL-loh'') |
beef | il manzo (''eel MAHN-dzoh'') |
fish | il pesce (''eel PEH-sheh'') |
ham | il prosciutto (''eel proh-SHOOT-toh'') |
sausage | salsiccia (''sahl-SEET-chah'') |
cheese | formaggio (''fohr-MAHD-joh'') |
eggs | uova (''WOH-vah'') |
salad | insalata (''een-sah-LAH-tah'') |
(fresh) vegetables | verdure fresche (''vehr-DOO-reh FREHS-keh'') |
(fresh) fruit | frutta fresca (''FROOT-tah FREHS-kah'') |
bread | pane (''PAH-neh'') |
toast | toast (''tohst'') |
noodles | tagliatelle (''tah-LYAH-tehl-leh'') |
rice | riso (''REE-zoh'') |
beans | fagioli (''fah-JOH-lee'') |
May I have a glass of _____?
| Posso avere un bicchiere di _____? (''POHS-soh ah-VEH-reh oon beek-KYEH-reh dee....?'') |
May I have a cup of _____?
| Posso avere una tazza di _____? (''POHS-soh ah-VEH-reh OO-nah TAHT-tsah dee...?'') |
May I have a bottle of _____?
| Posso avere una bottiglia di _____? (''POHS-soh ah-VEH-reh OO-nah boht-TEE-lyah dee...?'') |
the coffee | il caffè (''eel kahf-FEH'') |
the tea (drink) | il tè (''eel TEH'') |
the juice | il succo (''eel SOOK-koh'') |
the water | l'acqua (''LAHK-kwah'') |
the bubbly water | l'acqua frizzante (''LAHK-kwah free-DZAHN-teh'') |
the beer | la birra (''lah beer-RAH'') |
the red/white wine
| il vino rosso/bianco (''eel VEE-noh ROHS-soh/ BYAHN-koh'') |
May I have some _____?
| Posso aver del _____? (''POHS-soh AH-vehr dehl...?'') / Posso avere un po' di ____? (''POHS-soh ah-VEH-reh oon POH dee...?'') |
the salt | il sale (''eel SAH-leh'') |
the black pepper | il pepe (''eel PEH-peh'') |
the butter | il burro (''eel BOOR-roh'') |
Excuse me, waiter? (getting attention of server)
| Scusi, cameriere?(m)/cameriera?(f) (''SKOO-zee, kah-meh-RYEH-reh?/ kah-meh-RYEH-rah?'') |
I'm finished. | Ho finito. (''oh fee-NEE-toh'') |
It was delicious. | È squisito. (''EH skwee-ZEE-toh'') |
Please clear the table.
| Potete pulire il tavolo, per favore. (''poh-TEH-teh poo-LEE-reh eel tah-VOH-loh, pehr fah-VOH-reh'') |
The check, please. | Il conto, per favore. (''eel KOHN-toh, pehr fah-VOH-reh'') |
Do you serve alcohol? | Avete bevande alcoliche? (''ah-VEH-teh beh-VAHN-deh ahl-KOH-lee-keh?'') |
Is there table service? | C'è il servizio al tavolo? (''cheh eel sehr-VEE-zyoh ahl tah-VOH-loh?'') |
A beer/two beers, please. | Una birra/due birre, per favore. (''OO-nah BEER-rah/ dweh BEER-reh, pehr fah-VOH-reh'') |
A glass of red/white wine, please.
| Un bicchiere di vino rosso/bianco, per favore. (''oon beek-KYEH-reh dee VEE-noh ROHS-soh/BYAHN-koh, pehr fah-VOH-reh'') |
A pint, please. | Un boccale, per favore. (''oon bohk-KAH-leh, pehr fah-VOH-reh'') |
A bottle, please. | Una bottiglia, per favore. (''OO-nah boht-TEE-lyah, pehr fah-VOH-reh'') |
I'd like a_______? | Vorrei un_____? (''vohr-RAY oon...?'') |
beer | birra (''BEER-rah'') |
wine | vino (''VEE-noh'') |
gin | gin (''jeen'') |
whiskey | whisky (''WEES-kee'') |
vodka | vodka (''VOHD-kah'') |
rum | rum (''rohm'') |
water | acqua (''AHK-kwah'') |
club soda | club soda (''kloob SOH-dah'') |
tonic water | acqua tonica (''AHK-kwah toh-NEE-kah'') |
orange juice | succo di arancia (''SOOK-koh dee ah-RAHN-chah'') |
Coke | Coca Cola (''KOH-kah KOH-lah'') |
A soda. | Una soda. (''OO-nah SOH-dah'') |
Do you have any bar snacks? | Avete qualcosa da stuzzicare? (''a-VE-te kwalcoza da STU-zee-ca-ray?'') |
One more, please. | Un altro, per favore. (''oon AHL-troh, pehr fah-VOH-reh'') |
Another round, please. | Un altro giro, per favore. (''oon AHL-troh JEE-roh, pehr fah-VOH-reh'') |
When is closing time? | Qual è l'ora di chiusura? (''kwah-LEH loh-RAH dee KYOO-zoo-rah?'') |
Do you have this in my size? | Avete questo nella mia taglia? (''ah-VEH-teh KWEHS-toh NEHL-lah myah tah-LYAH?'') |
How much is this? | Quanto costa questo? (''KWAHN-toh KOHS-tah KWEHS-toh?'') |
That's too expensive. | È troppo caro/a. (''EH TROHP-poh KAH-roh/ah'') |
Would you take _____? | Prendereste _____? (''prehn-DEH-rehs-teh....?'') |
expensive | caro (''KAH-roh'') |
cheap | economico (''eh-koh-NOH-mee-koh'') |
I can't afford it. | Non posso permettermelo. (''nohn POHS-soh pehr-meht-TEHR-meh-loh'') |
I am looking for something cheaper.
| Cerco qualcosa di piùeconomico. (''CHEHR-koh KWAHL-koh-zah dee pyoo eh-koh-NOH-mee-koh'') |
I don't want it. | Non lo voglio. (''nohn loh voh-LYOH'') |
You're cheating me. | Mi state imbrogliando. (''mee STAH-teh eem-broh-LYAHN-doh'') |
I'm not interested. | Non son interessato. (''nohn sohn een-teh-REHS-sah-toh) |
OK, I'll take it. | Va bene, lo prendo. (''vah BEH-neh, loh PREHN-doh'') |
Can I have a bag? | Posso avere una busta? (''POHS-soh AVEH-reh OO-nah BOOS-tah?'') |
Do you ship (overseas)? | Potete spedirlo (all'estero)? (''poh-TEH-teh speh-DEER-loh (AHL-lehs-TEH-roh)?'') |
I need... | Ho bisogno di... (''oh bee-SOH-byoh dee...'') |
...toothpaste. | ...dentifricio. (''dehn-tee-FREE-choh'') |
...toothbrush. | ...spazzolino da denti. (''spaht-tsoh-LEE-noh dah DEHN-tee'') |
...tampons. | ...tampone/assorbente. (''tahm-POH-neh/ ahs-SOHR-behn-teh'') |
...soap. | ...sapone. (''sah-POH-neh'') |
...shampoo. | ...shampoo. (''SHAHM-poo'') |
...pain reliever. | ...aspirina. (''ahs-pee-REE-nah'') |
...cold medicine. | ...medicina per il raffreddore. (''meh-dee-CHEE-nah pehr eel rahf-FREHD-doh-reh'') |
...stomach medicine. | ...medicina per lo stomaco. (''meh-dee-CHEE-nah pehr loh stoh-MAH-koh'') |
...a razor. | ...un rasoio. (''oon rah-ZOH-io'') |
...an umbrella. | ...un ombrello. (''oon ohm-BREHL-loh'') |
...sunblock lotion. | ...lozione/crema solare. (''loh-TSYOH-neh/ KREH-mah soh-LAH-reh'') |
...a postcard. | ...una cartolina. (''OO-nah kahr-TOH-lee-nah'') |
...postage stamps. | ...francobolli. (''frahn-koh-BOHL-lee'') |
...batteries. | ...batterie. (''baht-TEH-ryeh'') |
...writing paper. | ...carta. (''KAHR-tah'') |
...a pen. | ...una penna. (''OO-nah PEHN-nah'') |
...a pencil. | ...una matita. (''OO-nah mah-TEE-tah'') |
...English-language books. | ...libri in inglese. (''LEE-bree een een-GLEH-zeh'') |
...English-language magazines. | ...riviste in inglese. (''ree-VEES-teh een een-GLEH-zeh'') |
...an English-language newspaper. | ...un giornale in inglese. (''oon johr-NAH-leh een een-GLEH-zeh'') |
...an English-Italian dictionary, | ...un dizionario Inglese-Italiano. (''oon dee-tsyoh-NAH-ryoh een-GLEH-zeh-ee-tah-LYAH-noh'') |
I want to rent a car.
| Desidero noleggiare una macchina. (''deh-SEE-deh-roh noh-lehd-JAH-reh OO-nah mahk-KEE-nah'') / Vorrei noleggiare una macchina. (''vohr-REY noh-lehd-JAH-reh OO-nah mahk-KEY-nah'') |
Can I get insurance?
| Posso avere un'assicurazione? (''POHS-soh ah-VEH-reh oo-nahs-see-koo-RAH-tsyoh-neh?'') |
stop (on a street sign) | stop (''stohp'') |
one way | senso unico (''SEHN-soh OO-nee-koh'') |
yield | dare la precedenza (''DAH-leh lah preh-cheh-DEHN-tsah'') |
no entry | divieto di accesso (''dee-VYEH-toh dee aht-CHEHS-soh'') |
no parking
| sosta vietata (''SOHS-tah vyeh-TAH-tah'') / vietato parcheggiare (''vyeh-TAH-toh pahr-kehd-JAH-reh'') |
speed limit | limite di velocità (''lee-MEE-teh dee veh-loh-chee-TAH'') |
gas (petrol) station
| benzinaio (''behn-dzee-NAH-yoh'') / stazione di rifornimento (''stah-TSYOH-neh dee ree-fohr-NEE-mehn-toh'')/ area di servizio (''AH-reh-ah dee sehr-VEE-tsyoh'') (on an highway) |
petrol | benzina (''behn-DZEE-nah'') |
diesel | diesel (''DEE-zehl'') / gasolio (''gah-SOH-lyoh'') |
I haven't done anything wrong. | Non ho fatto nulla di male. (''nohn oh FAHT-toh nool-lah dee MAH-leh'') |
It was a misunderstanding. | Egravestato un malinteso. (''eh STAH-toh oon mah-LEEN-teh-zoh'') |
Where are you taking me? | Dove mi state portando? (''DOH-veh mee STAH-teh pohr-TAHN-doh?'') |
Am I under arrest? | Sono in arresto? (''SOH-noh een ahr-REHS-toh?'') |
I am an American/ Australian/British/Canadian citizen.
| Sono un(una) cittadino(a) americano(a)/ australiano(a)/britannico(a)/canadese. (''SOH-noh oon(OO-nah) cheet-TAH-dee-noh(ah) ah-meh-ree-KAH-noh(ah)/ ows-trah-LYAH-noh(ah)/bree-tahn-NEE-koh(ah)/kah-nah-DEH-zeh'') |
I want to talk to the American/Australian/British/Canadian embassy/consulate.
| Voglio parlare con l'ambasciata/il consolato Americano/Australiano/Inglese/Canadese. (''voh-LYOH pahr-LAH-reh kohn lahm-bah-SHAH-tah/eel kohn-SOH-lah-toh ah-meh-ree-KAH-noh/ ows-trah-LYAH-noh/een-GLEH-zeh/ kah-nah-DEH-zeh'') |
I want to talk to a lawyer.
| Voglio parlare con un(una) avvocato(a). (''voh-LYOH pahr-LAH-reh kohn oon(OO-nah) ahv-voh-KAH-toh(ah)'') |
Can I just pay a fine now?
| Posso semplicemente pagare una multa adesso? (POHS-soh sehm-plee-CHEH-mehn-teh pah-GAH-reh OO-nah MOOL-tah ah-DEHS-soh?) |